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How to change the default setting of 5 min data send interval

Home Forums Monitor My Watershed How to change the default setting of 5 min data send interval

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    • #16270
      Vinay Ayala

        Hello looks like the default setting to send data from data logger to MMW is 5 min… can we change this to other time intervals? How can we do it

      • #16272
        Shannon Hicks
          The transmission rate is determined by whatever you put in the sketch of your logger.  I don’t know what sketch you’re starting with, but if you’re using one of our examples that we
        • #16274
          Vinay Ayala
            Shannon I am using const uint8_t logging interval and as you changed I can change it to a different logging interval….I wonder if is there is code to collect every 5 min but send every hour or so to
          • #16278
            Shannon Hicks
              Changing the interval in that line should work, unless you’ve got something else in your code that’s’ interfering with that.  What example sketch did you use for your code?

              As for

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