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Help connecting Arduino MEGA with Teros 12 Sensor

Home Forums Other Data Loggers Help connecting Arduino MEGA with Teros 12 Sensor

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    • #14778
        Friend … I’m trying to connect the Teros 12 sensor to the Arduino MEGA 2560 … Does anyone have the scratch (wiring diagram) and a code for reading? I’ve worked with the decagon
      • #14779
        Shannon Hicks
          The 10HS soil sensor has a simple analog voltage output that is easy to measure with an Arduino board by doing an analog voltage measurement.  The Teros 12 has a digital output in either TTL or SDI-1
        • #14780
            Thank you very much … I installed the library, took a look at the examples, but I’m a little new to Teros 12 and I can’t make the connections on the Arduino … Every time I open
          • #14782
            Shannon Hicks
              Meter Group sensors like the Teros 12 come with either bare wires or 3.5mm stereo headphone jack plugs.  Have you already purchased your sensors?  If not, you can choose that option when you order.Â
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