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HCSR04 & Sw5

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger HCSR04 & Sw5

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    • #12240

        Has anyone used HC-SR04 with mayfly? How does Sw5 output 5 volts? Any links to buy grove connectors? I’m new to this board. Thanks in advance for any help!

      • #12242
        David Lutz
          The Grove connectors are currently a bit of a pain to procure. They are available on SeeedStudio and Amazon but my sense is that everything is back ordered. I’ve had to have them shipped from Ho
        • #12247
          Shannon Hicks
            Grove connectors, cables, and sensors are actually quite easy to get. Usually when you buy a Grove sensor, it comes with a free 20-cm cable. Or you can get 5-packs of the cables for around $3. http
          • #12248
            Shannon Hicks
              As for the switched 5-volt supply on the Mayfly, it’s a boost converter that I put on the Mayfly years ago because we use a lot of sensors that require 5-volt excitation, but then they return a
            • #14930
                I am trying to use the HC – SR04 with the board and have some similar questions. To clarify, are you saying that sensor can actually run fine at 3.3V? I hooked it up to the Sw5 pin and found cod
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