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Explanations for logging stoppages?

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Explanations for logging stoppages?

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  • Author
    • #2237
      Ben Crary

        We have a mayfly deployed at a test site which inexplicably stopped recording data, and I’m hoping to see if anyone else had experienced similar issues or has any insight.

        A couple of

      • #2238
        Shannon Hicks

          What logging sketch was your Mayfly running? Was this a sketch that you wrote yourself, or is it one we provided to you with the board?

        • #2240
          Ben Crary
            Thanks for getting back so quickly. A colleague (Anthony A.) wrote the sketch using the modular sensor libraries (“Develop” branch from 2017-05-02) for 10 variables.

            My upload was blocke

          • #2241
            Shannon Hicks
              You don’t have to post the actual sketch here since it likely contains the unique URLs, registration tokens, and UUIDs that we’ve developed for transmitting the data to the online database
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