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Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger ESP8266

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    • #12783
        Has anyone successfully connected an ESP8266 to the Mayfly? Just looking for some direction.

        My end goal is to have an xBee to wifi gateway. If I can get it to work, I’ll connect the ESP to TX0

      • #12785
        Sara Damiano

          All of the Mayfly pins are at 3.3V.

          I’ve done a decent amount with a Mayfly and an ESP8266 using the “AT” firmware on the ESP8266. I haven’t had any problems with it.

        • #12789
            Sara, thank you for your response. I’m glad to hear it is possible. Here’s what I’ve got thus far.

            Mayfly <—-> ESP8266 ESP-01
            Rx1 <——-> Tx
            Tx1 <R

          • #12794

              I changed the default baud rate on the ESP8266 from 115200 to 9600 and things started working. The AT command I used was AT+UART_DEF=9600,8,1,0,0

              Here is where I found this command:

            • #12795
              Sara Damiano
                Yes, I’ve had problems with the Mayfly receiving data at 115200. The Mayfly is only running at 8MHz and Atmel says the error rate at that baud and crystal combination is 8.5%. The error is a m
              • #12796
                Sara Damiano

                  Oops. Sorry. I’d typed that and didn’t see your response. But yes, slowing down the ESP8266 is the way to go if you want to make sure everything is heard correctly.

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