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Error message

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Error message


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    • #15389
        Hello All,

        I am trying to install EnviroDIY ATmega Boards in my Arduino IDE and I keep getting the same error message.

        Error: 2 UNKNOWN: installing platform EnviroDIY:avr@1.0.0: testing local archiv

      • #15390
        Shannon Hicks
          Are you following the instructions from the top of this page to add the Mayfly board to your IDE:  https://www.envirodiy.org/mayfly/software/

          You should be able to copy-and-past the URL of the json

        • #15393

            Thank you for your reply.

            I am following the instructions point to point. I was able to copy-paste the URL but I keep getting the same error. I use Arduino IDE 2.0.0-beta 4.


          • #15397
            Shannon Hicks
              The Arduino IDE 2.0 is still a beta release and is so new that we haven’t done extensive testing to make sure all our EnviroDIY-related instructions, libraries, and sketches work perfectly.  So
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