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enviroDIY server not responding to POST

Home Forums Monitor My Watershed enviroDIY server not responding to POST

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  • Author
    • #3214
      Patrick Lorch
        I am new to IOT and REST APIs.

        I have been trying for several days to debug a problem with one of the examples from here:


        In the Logging_t

      • #3707
        Sara Damiano
          I haven’t tried running that particular example in a long time, but I don’t think the POST request format has changed since it was first developed. The server definitely *is* accepting da
        • #3720
          Patrick Lorch
            Thanks for your help. I could see that some loggers are posting, but since many are not, it is hard to tell if something has changed. I also know you have been working on the modular sensor code and
          • #3769
            Sara Damiano
              Ok, I hate to admit this, but I’m baffled as to why that example is failing. It really should be working. You do need to change the server IP address (DL) on your XBee to becaus
            • #3770
              Patrick Lorch
                Thanks Sara. I am betting that just changing the IP address will fix the problem. I was not aware it had changed. I will change that in the README.md and submit a pull request.

                After I discovered

              • #3939
                Patrick Lorch

                  Fixing the IP address did the trick. Thanks. I forked to ix in README, but saw you had already done it.

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