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Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Eagle/Schematics

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  • Author
    • #2336
      Brandon L.
        I have some sensors that provide 0-5 volt signals. Due to the instrument’s sensitivity, I need to use the auxiliary adc. However, I cannot find any documentation about how the board is laid out
      • #2340
        Shannon Hicks
          We haven’t shared the board layout yet, but all of the necessary information is in the schematic. The aux ADC on the Mayfly is the ADS1115. Its Vcc is tied to the 3.3v supply of the board, so
        • #12806
          Anthony Aufdenkampe
            @brandon9, great news! The Mafly logger is now fully open source hardware!

            The EAGLE files are now available for the Mayfly v0.5b!

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