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Disable DTR Reset

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Disable DTR Reset

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  • Author
    • #2141
      Matthew B
        I’m interested in being able to attach a serial monitor to the Mayfly without it resetting.

        Following this

      • #2144
        Shannon Hicks
          That’s an interesting idea, I can try it with one of my testing boards later this week and let you know what happens (unless you’re good at removing (and replacing) SMD capacitors if it do
        • #2148
          Matthew B
            haha thanks Shannon! Don’t think I’ll be trying it until I know it’s going to work. I feel like I can remove it safely, but putting it back… not so sure. Interested so see h
          • #2158
            Shannon Hicks
              I have confirmed that removing capacitor C4 will let the board continue to run without resetting when you open the serial monitor window. HOWEVER — This only works if you’re using the FTD
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