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DigiXbee Cellular LTE-M1

Home Forums Infrastructure and Equipment DigiXbee Cellular LTE-M1

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    • #16336
        I’m working on builidng my first MayFly data logger with middle school students and when we go to order DigiXbee Cellular components (See below) from the manual they are out of stock. Is there a
      • #16337

          I have the serial number 20347 purchased in 2020. (v1.0)

          would the LTE Bee work with v1.0? EnviroDIY LTE Bee (Pack of 5)

        • #16338
          Shannon Hicks
            The LTEbee adapter board you linked above was a special product we developed in 2019 for interfacing the Digi-brand LTE cellular boards with the Mayfly Logger.   The Digi board have been nearly impo
          • #16352
              Thank you very much! I’ll keep looking for the updated manual. Since I’m working with middle school students can you point me to lower-cost sensor options? I would really like to have a tu
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