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DF Robot KIT0139 Level Sensor

Home Forums Environmental Sensors DF Robot KIT0139 Level Sensor

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    • #17389

        I thought I would share my experience of using the DF robot gravity industrial level sensor (KIT 0139), as there have been a few posts about it.

        I’ve connected this to an Arduino MKR1400

      • #17391
          Hello Dave, thanks for sharing.

          I had thought of getting the device, because of the price, so interesting.

          The issues I saw is that it has two sources of analog error and unquantified temperature co

        • #17392
            Hi Neil

            Thanks for the feedback. So I guess a separate sensor housed in the same box as the mkr1400 would be useful. That’s on the (long) list of improvements!

            I’ll post some actual data

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