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Defective LTEBee Adapter cables

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Defective LTEBee Adapter cables

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  • Author
    • #15822
      Matt Barney
        I have received 4 Bee cables whose polarity is reversed. In the attached photo, the top 3 cables are reversed; the bottom one is an example of a cable with correct polarity. (My 4th defective cable ha
      • #15825
        Shannon Hicks
          Sorry you got some backwards cables and a bad header.  I used to inspect all of the boards and cables closely before shipping them out, but in the most recent production run, the cables were sealed i
          • #15850

              Thanks Shannon.

              Even I had the same issue and LTE adapter wouldn’t power up. Following your instructions it works now.


          • #15828
            Matt Barney

              Thanks for the quick reply, Shannon. I was able to get the cables and the adapter all working, following your instructions.


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