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data.envirodiy.org destination IP address

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger data.envirodiy.org destination IP address

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    • #12950

        I understand that recently the data.envirodiy.org database was transferred from Utah State University to Limnotech. I’m guessing that this had an impact on the destination IP addres

      • #12951
        Anthony Aufdenkampe
          Yes, the IP address for https://data.envirodiy.org and also now https://monitormywatershed.org were changed on January 21 to
          This could change again in the future.

          You can always find

        • #12955
          Steve Ochs
            No, you have to set the IP address and port in the XBee WiFi module. I am using some code in the Mayfly to do a DNS lookup and set the IP address automatically using Command Mode on bootup in case th
          • #12958
              Thanks for the responses! Unfortunately, I am still having trouble posting data to the web. I had this working before the switch to Limnotech, so I’m wondering if there are some other changes
            • #12960
              Sara Damiano
                Those settings should be right for the XBee Wifi. Are you sure the unit is connected properly to your wifi? Can you connect the unit to XCTU and try to send a test json in the console log of XCTU?
              • #12961
                Steve Ochs
                  @srgdamiano – You have done some good work on developing/improving the ModularSensors library. After struggling to get the “logging_to_EnviroDIY” sketch to upload consistently to EnviroDIY
                • #12962
                  Steve Ochs
                    @dave-eiriksson Those are the same settings I have in my XBee S6B. I attached screen shots below of my settings from XCTU (I deleted my personal network information). I have found by watching the di
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