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Data Dropped Between Mayfly and MMW (2.4%)

Home Forums Monitor My Watershed Data Dropped Between Mayfly and MMW (2.4%)

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    • #13273
        I’ve got 3 XBee LTE-M modems and an XBeeS6B WiFi modem all regularly transmitting data at 5 minute intervals to MMW. Is there any reason why I’m seeing about 97.6% of those data points mak
      • #13274
        Sara Damiano
          Well it’s certainly not intended that less than 100% of the data makes it online, if that’s what your asking.

          Beyond that I can’t really help without a lot

        • #13331
          Sara Damiano

            Did you get a chance to do any more troubleshooting on this?

          • #13332
              Yes, some.
              All 4 modems are in transparent mode and there are no gaps on the SD card. The issue is on both the WiFi (1) and cellular (3) modems and the gaps are there in the data in all 3 ways I view
            • #13338
              Sara Damiano
                Hm. Well, I’m stumped. I have issues all the time with the cellular, but not the Wifi.

                I’m sorry; I’m going to throw a zillion questions at you again.

                You’re using 4 separa

              • #13340
                  <Yes, 4 separate Mayfly’s
                  <WiFi is real (no hot-spot)
                  <3 loggers (2 cell and 1 WiFi) at same office, 4th logger is miles away
                  <The timing of the holes doesn’t necessar
                • #13341
                    <This is the output from the PUBLISHER_DEBUGs
                    <I’m not aware of any variable numbers getting truncated.

                  • #13342

                      <I added and set the MS_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE to 750.
                      I’ll keep monitoring the data and keep you informed.
                      Thanks again.

                    • #13354
                      Sara Damiano
                        The only thing coming to mind right now is possible issues with the json or the content length header. If the length of the json doesn’t match up with the actual size of the json, the send woul
                      • #13355
                        Sara Damiano
                          To turn on the “deep” debugging for the modem, add build flags “-DMS_DIGIXBEECELLULARTRANSPARENT_DEBUG” and “-DMS_DIGIXBEECELLULARTRANSPARENT_DEBUG_DEEP” for cellul
                          • #13357
                              I checked the SD card from one of my cellular enabled Mayflys and was surprised to find 14 .csvs created in the last 20 days. Some of the breaks (with missing data point) in the .csvs match with a mis
                          • #13362
                            Sara Damiano
                              If a new csv is being created, it’s almost certainly because the logger is restarting. It could be some irregularity in the power that’s causing the board to restart directly or it’
                          Viewing 10 reply threads
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