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Custom Arduino-based sensor, off-the-shelf SDI-12 datalogger

Home Forums Other Data Loggers Custom Arduino-based sensor, off-the-shelf SDI-12 datalogger

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  • Author
    • #1339
      Danny Waz
        I see that much effort has been invested in connecting off-the-shelf SDI-12 sensors to an Arduino-based datalogger, and for good reason. I have the opposite challenge: integrating a custom sensor (a
      • #1347
        • #1371
          Danny Waz

            Thanks! It will be a few weeks before I get a chance to try out this library live, but at first glance it appears to be almost exactly what I was planning to make.

          • #1495
            Danny Waz
              Update: I have succeeded in making an SDI-12 slave device on an Arduino Nano, but I have more work to do before my code can be generalized and distributed.

              The project linked by GS is not really a

            • #1697
              Danny Waz

                Update 2: I have posted the modified library and an example implementation sketch in a fork off of the EnviroDIY Arduino-SDI-12 repository.


              • #2060
                Danny Waz
                  Update 3: Looks like EnviroDIY has merged my backward-compatible slave-side additions into their main library, so you don’t need my fork if you have the latest version. See example “gR
                • #2061
                  Anthony Aufdenkampe
                    Danny, thanks for all your work on implementing these slave-side additions to our Arduino SDI-12 library (https://github.com/EnviroDIY/Arduino-SDI-12)! We really appreciate your contributions!

                    As you

                  • #2110
                    • #2122
                      Sara Damiano
                        I’d love any feedback you have on the modular sensors library! Feel free to post GitHub issues or post comments in the forums.

                        The Libraries repository doesn’t actually have anything new

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