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Connecting to the Internet

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Connecting to the Internet

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  • Author
    • #12198
      Scott Murrison

        I am trying to use two mayfly dataloggers to collect data and port it to a sql database. I am an infant when it comes to anything related to electronics and programming. I have managed to get

      • #12201
        Scott Murrison
          Ok, I was able to get data from a mayfly with ultrasonic sensor to a mayfly connect to a computer via xbee radios. Everything is being read on a serial monitor. Now I want to connect the second mayf
        • #12202
          Shannon Hicks
            The easiest way build a base station for relaying data heard via Xbee is to use an Uno Ethernet board (it’s like an Uno but has built-in ethernet hardware, so no separate shield is needed). The
          • #12204
            Scott Murrison

              Thanks for the guidance. I have a friend to do the SQL Database for me, so that shouldn’t be a problem.

              These units will go in runoff retention ponds at cattle feed yards to monitor w

            • #12219
              Scott Murrison

                I received the Arduino Ethernet board and xbee shield. Now, I am looking for example code to receive the data via xbee from the remote unit and port it to a URL. Is there any example code

              • #12220
                Shannon Hicks
                  Here’s a couple photos of the UnoEthernet/Xbee receiver I built a long time ago. I has been running non-stop since February 2013 and receives about 4500 transmissions per day. With an average
                  • #12738
                      I’d also like to transfer data received from the xBee and transmit it to the internet. In my situation, ethernet is not an option. I need to go from the xBee to WiFi. Can I attach an xBee and an
                      • #12739
                        Shannon Hicks
                          Digi makes a variety of gateway modules, for bridging an Xbee network to Wifi, Ethernet, or cellular.

                          Or you could build your own and

                    • #12223
                      Shannon Hicks
                        Here’s the code running on the UnoEthernet/Xbee shown above, but with the URL and IP addresses removed. I based this all from some examples I found about 6 years ago, so there’s probably
                      • #12224
                        Scott Murrison


                          Thank you very much. This is exactly what I am wanting to do. I appreciate your willingness to help.


                        • #12250
                          Scott Murrison


                            Can you tell me where you source your cellular modules?



                          • #12251
                            Shannon Hicks
                              As mentioned above, I use lots (100+) of GPRSbee modules, they are available from SODAQ in the Netherlands. They are 2G, so they only work in certain areas, but we find there’s coverage in abou
                            • #12253
                              Scott Murrison

                                I got your code to communicate with MySQL database. I have a table set up for ID(auto-increment, primary key) TimeStamp, and thisData. The auto increment ID and TimeStamp work, but the data

                              • #12254
                                Shannon Hicks
                                  There’s a lot of things that could cause your data to now show up in the table, either on the Arduino end or the server/PHP end. Have you tried visiting the URL using your web browser to make s
                                • #12255
                                  Scott Murrison
                                    Ok, I can post data to the database via the URL, so the problem is somewhere in the Arduino code. I’m using your code above at my base. I changed all the required parameters to my network sett
                                  • #12256
                                    Shannon Hicks
                                      The code I posted above is for the Arduino/Xbee receiver module. All it does is “visit” a URL that it “hears” on the radio. The Mayfly logger in the field is the unit that ac
                                    • #12257
                                      Scott Murrison
                                        Ok, so it is the code on my sensor/logger that needs to be changed. Do you by chance have any example code that I can look at to try and figure out where I need to go? The sensor is an ultrasonic se
                                      • #12258
                                        Shannon Hicks
                                          Where did you get that code example? It looks like a combination of some older code I used to use plus some newer stuff, but there are several mismatches and missing things so it won’t work pro
                                        • #12263
                                          Scott Murrison
                                            I’m 99% sure most if not all of this code is yours or someone associated with Envirodiy. If you can’t tell, I know very very very little about arduinos. I have a friend that put this tog
                                          • #12277
                                            Sara Damiano
                                              Most of your code looks familiar, though very mish-mash. I’m glad it works.

                                              As far as getting the data into a website or MySql database… Doing that is all going to be the responsibility

                                            • #12278
                                              Scott Murrison

                                                Thanks for the information on the data portal. I would like to use it for the simplicity, but I’m sure my clients would not like to have their data publicly available.

                                                I have the datab

                                              • #12279
                                                Scott Murrison

                                                  FYI, the link to the data portal is not working. Or at least it isn’t working for me.

                                                  • #12280
                                                    Heather Brooks

                                                      It appears that the forum software is adding https to links. If you just type data[dot]envirodiy[dot]org into your browser you should be able to reach the data portal.

                                                  • #12281
                                                    Scott Murrison

                                                      Thank you Heather.

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