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Connecting SIM7080 to New Thingspeak

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Connecting SIM7080 to New Thingspeak

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  • Author
    • #16225
      Zeke Holloman
        @neilh20 @shicks @vogelrnws

        Hi there! I recently received an email from Thingspeak stating that they are planning on shutting down their legacy Thingspeak server this month. I’m working to conv

      • #16226
        Rick Vogel

          Can you provide more details especially in reference to your code and how you are connecting to thingspeak?

        • #16229
          Sara Damiano
            Sorry, I coded up the ThingSpeak publisher ages ago only to prove to myself that I could get an MQTT publisher working. I’ve never used it beyond that. I don’t have a paid account so after
          • #16237
              @zeke-holloman I agree with @srgdamiano,  Mathworks have gone down the path of making it difficult to test a small number of devices against thingspeak, since it was added to ModularSensors publisher
            • #16244
              Zeke Holloman
                @neilh20 @shicks @vogelrnws

                Hi all! Thank you for all of your feedback and tips! I spent some time this week looking at the mqtt3.thingspeak.com server and I was able to get a channel up and running

              • #16245
                Zeke Holloman
                • #16247
                    @zeke-holloman  hey congrats,!!! Thanks for the posting and analysis, I could also build from that.

                    Wow… the power of open source

                  • #16252
                    Zeke Holloman
                      @neilh20 Hey, thanks! WOW! That’s awesome it worked for you as well. Hope it ends up being helpful!

                      I will say, it wasn’t a quick process. It was a lot of jumping back and forth between T

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