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Communication hardware selection advice for development

Home Forums Infrastructure and Equipment Communication hardware selection advice for development

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  • Author
    • #18065
      Mark E.
        I may be helping a friend with some software development on a Mayfly logger. He uses an LTE Bee module in the field when his loggers are deployed, but I don’t anticipate being in the field mysel
      • #18066
        Sara Damiano
          The WiFi bee is actively being supported. It’s what I test with on my desk. Switching back and forth between WiFi and LTE is fairly simple. But you should still do some LTE testing on your desk
        • #18067
          Mark E.
            Great! Thanks for the quick reply.

            One followup question: I think I saw a reference in some of the documentation about the LTE module having restricted source and destination IP addresses i.e. once c

          • #18068
            Sara Damiano

              The LTE Bee (and WiFi) can change IP addresses at any time.

            • #18144
              Rick Vogel
                If you are worried about paying for cellular service you might look into Twilio. They have a SuperSim that we used in our XBee-NB/IOT units that will connect to 4 carriers. It costs $2 month for the c
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