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Changing I2C address of RTC

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Changing I2C address of RTC

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    • #14455
        Hello. I’m currently working on trying to take measurements from a CO2 sensor (k30) using my Mayfly data logger (version 0.5b). The sensor is an analog and I’m using the I2C port connected
      • #14457
        Sara Damiano
          The address of the DS3231 isn’t changeable – it’s permanently set when the chip is manufactured.  Is there any other way your sensor can communicate?  Does it have a physical addre
        • #14459
          Shannon Hicks
            I just read through various manuals and datasheets for the K30 sensor, and it is technically possible to change the I2C address of the sensor, but it’s not easy so I wouldn’t suggest it.
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