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CAUTION: Bricked XBee3 Cellular LTE-M/NB-IoT

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger CAUTION: Bricked XBee3 Cellular LTE-M/NB-IoT

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    • #16431
      James B
        I think it has been mentioned on other posts briefly, but if you are using a XBee3 Cellular LTE-M/NB-IoT modem make sure it is updated to the newest cellular firmware immediately ( A.02.19 firmware).Â
      • #16433
        Matt Barney

          Very helpful to know. Thanks for sharing, James.


        • #16438

            Nuts you lost one.

            Unfortunately it take the Digi “Xbee TH Development Board” to do an upgrade.  Hopefully the new ones will be come with the latest software.

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