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Can't read/store values from Yosemitech using WingShield

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Can't read/store values from Yosemitech using WingShield

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    • #13149
        Hello and greetings from New Zealand,

        My work group is developing some mayfly loggers and we have run into a problem using Modbus with a Yosemitech Y4000 sensor, measuring pH, conductivity, temperatu

      • #13151
        Anthony Aufdenkampe
          @rachel.murray, that’s great to hear that you were able to get the YosemiTech Y4000 sonde working with our

        • #13158
            Thanks for the reply,

            Yes, I am working with Troy :). We have had some success with the decagon CTD, including using a wifibee and portable wifi hotspot to log data to monitormywatershed.org. It woul

          • #13163
            Shannon Hicks
              It’s hard to tell exactly what’s going on with your wires from the photo, but you should make sure your separate power supplies are sharing a common ground. If you’ve got 12v going
            • #13239
                We have made sure that the power supplies are sharing the same ground. There seems to be some issue with the serial connection to the modbus, maybe related to a conflict in the libraries that handle t
              • #13247
                Sara Damiano
                  Where is the extra red (5V?) wire in your pictures from September connected? It looks like you have the Yosemetich connected to one 12V power supply (red line at the bottom), the Mayfly powered by se
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