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Bringing in serial data through UART on 20-Pin connector

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Bringing in serial data through UART on 20-Pin connector

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  • Author
    • #14112
      Kurt Rosenberger

        I’m just getting started with the Mayfly, and am trying to bring in met data from an Airmar PB-100, using a GPS sketch I found for the Arduino (it is formatted as NMEA-0183, as they were

      • #14113
        Shannon Hicks
          Are you sure you need to use UART 0 for your incoming data from your deice?  The RX0/TX0 pins on the 20-pin header are directly wired to the main UART 0 of the Mayfly, which are the same pins that ar
        • #14114
          Sara Damiano
            I’m just seconding what Shannon said about using the hardware UART – always use hardware UART unless you definitely cannot.  In your case where you’ll be parsing long NMEA sentences
          • #14191
            Kurt Rosenberger
              Hi Shannon and Sara

              Thank you for your replies – yes, I was not able to communicate with the Mayfly while I had data coming in, so I will switch to RX1/TX1. However, I’m still not clear o

            • #14193
              Kurt Rosenberger
                OK, I got it to work. The original sketch called for use of SoftwareSerial, and I replaced this with Serial1, and I realized that if I use Serial1, I don’t have to designate the pin numbers. Got
              • #14252
                Kurt Rosenberger

                  OK, I have data coming in, and can print to serial to see the output on serial monitor. Now I’m having a lot of difficulty declaring the new variables in my sketch in order to log the dat

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