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Battery Charging via USB

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Battery Charging via USB

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    • #2294
        The Mayfly seems to be able to charge the LiPo battery via a solar panel connected to the USB port. Does this method have the same protection (from overcharging the battery) as charging via the JST?
      • #2297
        Shannon Hicks
          The solar panel shouldn’t be connected to the USB port. Solar panels should only be connected to the JST jack labeled “SOLAR”. The LiPo charger circuitry on the Mayfly will use the
        • #2298
            We have some solar panels (6v) that are attached to micro USB ports. We used them to power other micro controllers. It looks like both JST and USB inputs are connected to the same circuitry and I am
          • #2299
            Shannon Hicks
              You say you use these solar panels to power other microcontrollers. Is this a bare solar panel that outputs 6v in full sunlight and 0v in the dark, or is it one of those solarpanel/battery combo thin
            • #2306
                Yep! Just a bare solar panel (actually 5V) soldered to a microUSB connector. The yellow LED on the Mayfly comes on in sunlight and goes off inside/in deeper shade and the battery charges.


              • #2310
                Shannon Hicks
                  You haven’t mentioned what battery you are using. But the problem with using a solar panel on the USB port is that the voltage supplied by the panel in direct sunlight will cause a transistor s
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