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Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger AREF

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    • #12643
        Just wondering if AREF connects to a voltage source.? Looking at the rev0.5B and IC1 pin 29 labeled AREF I can’t find how AREF connects to 3.3V – but its probably I’m missing somethi
      • #12646
        Shannon Hicks
          The AREF pin of the micro on the Mayfly is not tied to anything (except through a capacitor to ground as suggested in the ATmega datasheet), so when you use the standard analogRead(0) command, it uses
        • #12647
            Hello Shannon/@shicks – thanks for the detail.I missed that it was an internal connection on the mega1284 to the 3.3V
            The issue with the 3.3V, is that it is connected to the LiIon through the re
          • #12652
              I’ve put a discussion of measuring LiIon voltage https://github.com/EnviroDIY/ModularSensors/issues/196
              I’m seeing a divergence in between two different sources of measuring LiIon from V_B
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