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Announcement: New ModularSensors release v0.28.01

Home Forums Environmental Sensors Announcement: New ModularSensors release v0.28.01

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    • #15132
      Sara Damiano

        Yesterday, I put out a new release of the ModularSensors library:  https://github.com/EnviroDIY/ModularSensors/releases/tag/v0.28.01

        Here are some of the highlights of the changes:

        If anyone was using code between version 0.27.5 (2020-12-15) and yesterday’s release, you should definitely upgrade right away and reprogram any loggers programmed with that code using SDI-12 sensors.  You do not need to modify your logging program, just update your libraries.  If you are using PlatformIO, you should be able to update using the command pio lib update or by way of the PIO home menu.  If you are using the Arduino IDE, you can download the newest version of the libraries either from the release linked above or from the separate libraries repository.

        For others using older versions or using 0.27.5 without SDI-12 sensors, there is no reason to reprogram anything.

      • #15136
        Matt Barney

          Thanks @srgdamiano — and thanks so much for announcing the release here on the forum and sharing links to the release notes!

          Until somewhat recently, I didn’t fully grasp the connection between a ModularSensors GitHub release number and the version number in the PlatformIO library registry. To clarify for others who may be new to these software ecosystems, when EnviroDIY developers (usually Sara) tag a new release in the GitHub library, they also update the version number in the ModularSensors manifest (its library.json file) and add that new, versioned release to the PlatformIO library registry. This way, when we developers load code onto a Mayfly and we specify, for example:

          …then we know exactly which version of ModularSensors we’re developing against, and can consult its release notes on GitHub.

          (Please correct me if I’ve got any of this wrong!)

          Understanding these tools, and the versioning mechanisms in use, is critical for those of us with a large and growing number Mayfly stations deployed. This way, we can always know precisely what code, including MS and all its dependencies, is running on each station in the field. This becomes vital when investigating a problem with one of our stations: Which version of code is it running? Do any of my other stations run that same code, and are they exhibiting the same behavior?

          Thanks for all your efforts!


          Trout Unlimited

        • #15137
          Sara Damiano

            Thank you @mbarney!  That’s all correct!

            And just FYI, prior to version ~5 of PlatformIO, libraries were only updated in the PlatformIO registry when the registry crawler got to it and noticed the change.  So sometimes it would be a day or two before you could see the updates using the pio lib update or similar commands.  With the current version, I can notify the PIO registry when I put out a new release so the new version should be visible within just a few minutes.

          • #15150

              I’d like to give my thanks to @srgdamiano for the excellent job in doing releases and also documenting them in different places including the platformio.ini . The git managed source control is core to being able to build reliable loads.  Absolutely amazing the distributed gits.

              I still don’t quite follow all the release mechanisms, as they area also evolving, but just was trying to track through with examples\menu_a_la_carte\platformio.ini, which seems to pull in the latest via the latest specification of the libs through platformio

              lib_deps =

              is it actually pulling from a git on platformio, or are they pointed back to their specified links .? Many thanks again.

            • #15151
              Sara Damiano

                I *think* when Platformio pulls it, they pull from a compressed version on their own registry.

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