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Analog-to- Digital Converter Port on Mayfly Data Logger

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Analog-to- Digital Converter Port on Mayfly Data Logger

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    • #13174
        Hello @shicks,

        I am trying to connect the OBS 3+ of Campbell Scientific(turbidity sensor) to the Mayfly Data Logger using the ‘Auxiliary 16-bit, 4-channel Analog-to-Digital Converter’ por

      • #13175
        Shannon Hicks
          Are you referring to the two Grove ports in the lower left corner of the Mayfly? All of the Grove ports (and the Sw3 and Sw5 pins in the headers) are designed to only be powered when you set pin D22
          • #13176
              Thank you for the information. But I am unable find the D22 pin on the board. I am using ver 0.5b. I checked the schematic and tried locating the TOSC1/D22 but could not. Could find all the resistors
          • #13181
            Sara Damiano

              You set pin 22 high in whatever program/sketch you’re using.

            • #13182
              Shannon Hicks
                Mayfly D22 is not a physical pin on the board, it’s processor pin 22, which means you set it high or low using digitalWrite commands in your sketch, just like you would with pin 8 or 9 to turn t
              • #13222
                  Thanks for the guidance. I went through the examples in the git repo and found the following piece of code (abridged for Campbell OBS3+ turbidity sensor). I have a couple of questions. Could you pleas
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