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Alphasense CO2, Power Issues

Home Forums Environmental Sensors Alphasense CO2, Power Issues

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  • Author
    • #18314
      Soil Sensor Student

        I am part of a team of Student Engineers from Minnesota State University creating a Sensor to measure CO2 concentrations in sub-surface soils. Check out the GitHub –

      • #18315
        Shannon Hicks

          What version of the Mayfly board are you using?  And how are you powering the Mayfly?  Is the Mayfly providing the power for the sensor and vacuum pump too, or is that from a different source?

          • #18316
            Soil Sensor Student
              Hello Shannon,

              We are using version 1.0. The whole system is powered using a Voltaic brand 12volt battery. The voltage is stepped down via a DC-DC converter to power the Mayfly. The pump is powered b

              • #18322
                Shannon Hicks
                  I found a schematic in your github repo, my suggestion would be to power everything external to the Mayfly with its own beefy power source, especially the relay bank.  It looks like you’re curr
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