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Accumulating Precipitation Graph

Home Forums Monitor My Watershed Accumulating Precipitation Graph

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    • #13373

        Is there a way to plot precipitation on Monitor My Watershed (MMW) as an accumulating total? I’m getting the spiky plot showing tips/5min. but I’d like to show tips/24hrs.

      • #13374
        Shannon Hicks
          I don’t think there’s an automatic way to show that in MMW, but for my rain gage loggers, I just have the Mayfly keep track of the cumulative total for the day, starting at midnight local
        • #13375

            I don’t know how to do that but I think I could figure it out. Can you point me in the right direction?
            Best Regards

          • #13648

              Shannon, can you share your code for enabling the Mayfly to keep track of the cumulative total?

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