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Reply To: Modify SW5V boost to 12V

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Modify SW5V boost to 12V Reply To: Modify SW5V boost to 12V

Anthony Aufdenkampe

    Sara has done some great coding work with her SensorModbusMaster library, primarily in support our use of the high quality and inexpensive sensors from YosemiTech. We’ve developed a specific library for all YosemiTech sensors, which makes accessing all of the power functions quite easy: https://github.com/EnviroDIY/YosemitechModbus. All of this works with our powerful EnviroDIY ModularSensors library.

    I’ll be working this month on connecting a Keller Acculevel+ Submersible Pressure sensor, building off of the SensorModbusMaster library.

    We’ll keep you updated.