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Reply To: Mayfly sketch compiles, seems to upload, but doesn’t

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Mayfly sketch compiles, seems to upload, but doesn’t Reply To: Mayfly sketch compiles, seems to upload, but doesn’t


    Thanks for the reply, Neil. I tried using “upload_port” in platformio.ini and there was no change. Also restarted VSC a couple of times. Tried connecting with the Mayfly off and then on. The weird thing is that I can get simple code to load and work. But this Mayfly code, which is significantly more complex and lengthy, will compile fine, worked in the past, but now does not. As I said in my original post, the output looks like it has uploaded, but it goes way too fast and the sketch clearly isn’t loaded because I get no output on the serial monitor.

    It seems like there are multiple steps in the upload process and I’m wondering if the order makes a difference?

    • Mayfly off or on when you connect it to the USB port (i.e. when do you turn the Mayfly on?)
    • VSC open or closed when you connect Mayfly to the port (i.e. when do you start up VSC?)

    I’m flummoxed.