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Reply To: Power usage of Mayfly1.1 with Hydros 21 cTD and LTE BEE cell modem

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Power usage of Mayfly1.1 with Hydros 21 cTD and LTE BEE cell modem Reply To: Power usage of Mayfly1.1 with Hydros 21 cTD and LTE BEE cell modem


    Some recent posts here explain the current difficult environment for calculating power usage on the mayfly as its dependent on a fast response from the server.


    My implementation is to ensure that there is sufficient reservoir of power in the battery for taking sensor readings, and when the battery power is “low” (3.8V) not to use it for Modem Communications. My reliable delivery algorithm POSTs the reading to MMW,  and if it gets a bad (not a  201)  then stores it to a queue on the uSD. Only if it gets a good 201 ACK from the server, it then attempts to POST all the historical queued readings.

    On experiencing a recent virtual month long outage on the MonitorMyWatershed the voltage response on the battery can be seen here


    as it attempts to push the historical queued data to MMW  however the biggest user of power is the 504 timeouts of ten seconds while waiting for a non response from MMW.