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Reply To: C2 capacitor burned after plugging LIPO battery in

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger C2 capacitor burned after plugging LIPO battery in Reply To: C2 capacitor burned after plugging LIPO battery in

Shannon Hicks

    The polarity of your battery pack is backwards, which is why your board was damaged.  We mention the caution about battery polarity in multiple places on this website, and also in the EnviroDIY Monitoring Station Manual, and specifically in Section 6.1 (https://www.envirodiy.org/knowledge-base/building-an-envirodiy-monitoring-station/).  I’m attaching a photo of that part of the manual, showing the caution note and a photo showing the correct polarity.  About half of all JST 2.0 battery connectors are backwards, there’s no industry standard that states which pin is positive and negative, so it’s up to the user to confirm the proper polarity before connecting anything.  It also appears that the JST connector you have connected to the external power input is also backwards from what we always use with our loggers and accessories.