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Reply To: pc and Mac unable to communicate with mayfly ver. 0.5b

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger pc and Mac unable to communicate with mayfly ver. 0.5b Reply To: pc and Mac unable to communicate with mayfly ver. 0.5b


    Hi Shannon,

    I replaced the battery with a new one when I started this process of trying to revive the Mayfly.  The original battery may have still been good, but it was several years old and the unit has been sitting for a year or so – so I figured it would be best to start fresh with a new battery.

    The board doesn’t have a modem so time syncing can’t happen that way.  It isn’t a feature we’re likely to add to the Mayfly, either.

    Hopefully I’ll get this unit to connect to a pc, if not then we’ll have to go the Adafruit way.

    thanks again for your time and help.