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Reply To: Mayfly not writing to SD card = possibly a libraries issue?

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Mayfly not writing to SD card = possibly a libraries issue? Reply To: Mayfly not writing to SD card = possibly a libraries issue?

David Lutz

    A small update for everyone:

    We were able to allow the Mayfly to operate by updating the libraries in our code. We are using some core IDE libraries as well as some EnviroDIY libraries. My sense is that there might be a conflict between the recent update to the SD library, and perhaps a pin interrupt library from EnviroDIY, but I’m not sure.

    One particular clue is that for the mayflys that are not operating when connected to the battery, their RTC clock is also not operational. So, when we pull the SD card, not only is there no file written, but when we check what is written to the serial, the RTC is still set to the date we initially set it in August.

    I’m not sure if Shannon or Sara have any insights into possible issues with library updates and SD card functionality. It writes to the serial when connected to a computer, but just won’t initialize the txt file to write to the external file on the SD.
