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Reply To: How to get a 5V signal out based on a sensor reading

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger How to get a 5V signal out based on a sensor reading Reply To: How to get a 5V signal out based on a sensor reading

Charitha (CJ)

    I changed the connections as you have suggested. I noticed that D22 gets activated when .logData() function is run. And because the data reading interval is controlled through .logData() I can’t seem to do much. When the CTD is connected to the D4-5 jack, do I still have to have SDI12Power set to 22 in the code below and is this what causes the above issue?

    DecagonCTD ctd(*CTDSDI12address, SDI12Power, SDI12Data, CTDNumberReadings);

    Do i have to edit LoggerBase files to have a longer 5V output?