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Reply To: MMW not receiving data

Home Forums Monitor My Watershed MMW not receiving data Reply To: MMW not receiving data

Anthony Aufdenkampe

    Hi All,

    Our apologies for the several sets of bugs on the Monitor My Watershed / EnviroDIY / ODM2DataSharingPortal.

    The short story is we have had 3 sets of issues in the last two weeks:

    1.  Browse window not mapping sites or populating filter pane #496
      • Fixed! No loss of data.
    2. Networking (Domain Name System) issues
      • Fixed!
      • Hours of data were unfortunately lost May 5-7, unfortunately.
    3. “Sparkline” plots and CSV downloads not functioning

    Thank you for your patience with these issues. We’re very excited to overhaul the system and are getting closer to pulling together sufficient funds.