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First you need to enable the pullup resistor on pin D10, which is already built in to the Mayfly board, you just have to close jumper SJ12 on the back of the Mayfly. Then this snippet of the code shows how to set up your sketch to look for a low trigger from the tipping bucket switch:
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//enable the D10 pullup jumper on Mayfly solder jumper SJ12 in order for the next 2 lines to work pinMode(10, INPUT); //sets pin 10 as an input attachInterrupt(2, pin10interrupt, LOW); //sets up an interrupt looking for a LOW trigger //connect one terminal of tipping bucket to Mayfly pin D10, connect other side of bucket switch to Mayfly ground |
I’ve sent the full sketch code to various people in the past few years who have requested it, and I thought it was already posted somewhere here on the forum, but if not, here’s the entire sketch. The biggest weak point is probably the delays that surround the Xbee radio wakeup and sleep, totaling 5 seconds. If a bucket tip were to happen during these delays, they don’t always get counted. A better option would be to use a milli timer to let the Mayfly go back to looking for tips and then execute the radio on and off functions independently, without using delays. But missing 5 seconds out of a 5 minute period isn’t too bad. (We’ve got Hobo event loggers on these rain gauges to record the actual data, these Mayfly boards are just there to transmit the live tips to our in-house data viz page for realtime viewing.) If the Mayfly has to do even more time-consuming things like cellular transmissions, then having the secondary device like the Trinket would ensure that no tips are missed. There are certainly more efficient ways to build a simple counter, but cost-wise, it’s hard to beat a $7 Trinket. If someone simply wants to count tips of a rain gauge (or any switch close/open event), then this code minus the telemetry stuff works great as an event counter/logger.
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#include <Wire.h> #include <avr/sleep.h> #include <avr/wdt.h> #include <SPI.h> #include <SD.h> //SODAQ libraries #include <RTCTimer.h> #include <Sodaq_DS3231.h> #include <Sodaq_PcInt_Mod.h> String targetURL; #define READ_DELAY 1 //RTC Timer RTCTimer timer; String dataRec = ""; //a string to hold the data record int currentminute, currenthour; long currentepochtime = 0; float boardtemp = 0.0; int daily_tips = 0; //the number of tips volatile int TipFlag = 0; //flag indicating that a tip has occurred volatile int AlarmFlag = 0; //alarm flag int midnightflag = 0; //flag showing that it's midnight int batteryPin = A6; int batterysenseValue = 0; float batteryvoltage; #define XBEE_SleepPin 23 // sleep pin of the Xbee 900mhz radio module //RTC Interrupt pin #define RTC_PIN A7 #define RTC_INT_PERIOD EveryMinute #define SD_SS_PIN 12 //The data log file #define FILE_NAME "RainLog.txt" //Data header #define LOGGERNAME "Mayfly Rain Logger" #define DATA_HEADER "DateTime_UTC,TZ-Offset,Loggertime,BoardTemp,Battery_V,RainTips" void setup() { //Initialise the serial connection Serial.begin(57600); //computer connection Serial1.begin(9600); //xbee 900mhz radio module in bee header rtc.begin(); delay(200); pinMode(8, OUTPUT); //green LED pinMode(9, OUTPUT); //red LED greenred4flash(); //blink the LEDs to show the board is on setupLogFile(); //Setup timer events setupTimer(); //Setup sleep mode setupSleep(); //Make first call Serial.println("Power On, running: mayfly_rain_1.ino"); //enable the D10 pullup jumper on Mayfly solder jumper SJ12 in order for the next 2 lines to work pinMode(10, INPUT); //sets pin 10 as an input attachInterrupt(2, pin10interrupt, LOW); //sets up an interrupt looking for a LOW trigger //connect one terminal of tipping bucket to Mayfly pin D10, connect other side of bucket switch to Mayfly ground } void loop() { //Update the timer timer.update(); if (AlarmFlag == 1) { // Serial.println(" DS3231 Alarm "); AlarmFlag = 0; if (currenthour == 23 && currentminute == 59) { midnightflag = 1; digitalWrite(8, HIGH); dataRec = createDataRecord(); logData(dataRec); assembleURL(); delay(500); wakeXbee(); delay(3000); sendviaXbee(); delay(2500); sleepXbee(); delay(500); String dataRec = ""; digitalWrite(8, LOW); midnightflag = 0; daily_tips = 0; //start the daily total back to 0 delay(200); } if (currentminute % 5 == 0) { digitalWrite(8, HIGH); dataRec = createDataRecord(); logData(dataRec); assembleURL(); delay(500); wakeXbee(); delay(2000); sendviaXbee(); delay(2500); sleepXbee(); String dataRec = ""; digitalWrite(8, LOW); delay(100); } //end if minute % 5 = 0 rtc.clearINTStatus(); //This function call is a must to bring /INT pin HIGH after an interrupt. AlarmFlag = 0; } //end " if alarm_flag=1" if (TipFlag == 1) { // Serial.println(" TIP! "); daily_tips++; delay(1000); TipFlag = 0; } //Sleep //Serial.println("Going to sleep"); systemSleep(); // Serial.println("AWAKE!"); } void showTime(uint32_t ts) { //Retrieve and display the current date/time String dateTime = getDateTime(); //Serial.println(dateTime); } void setupTimer() { //Schedule the wakeup every minute timer.every(READ_DELAY, showTime); //Instruct the RTCTimer how to get the current time reading timer.setNowCallback(getNow); } void wakeISR() { AlarmFlag = 1; } void setupSleep() { pinMode(RTC_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP); PcInt::attachInterrupt(RTC_PIN, wakeISR); //Setup the RTC in interrupt mode rtc.enableInterrupts(RTC_INT_PERIOD); //Set the sleep mode set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN); } void systemSleep() { //Wait until the serial ports have finished transmitting Serial.flush(); Serial1.flush(); //The next timed interrupt will not be sent until this is cleared rtc.clearINTStatus(); //Disable ADC ADCSRA &= ~_BV(ADEN); //Sleep time noInterrupts(); sleep_enable(); interrupts(); sleep_cpu(); sleep_disable(); //Enbale ADC ADCSRA |= _BV(ADEN); } String getDateTime() { String dateTimeStr; //Create a DateTime object from the current time DateTime dt(rtc.makeDateTime(rtc.now().getEpoch())); currentepochtime = (dt.get()); //Unix time in seconds currentminute = (dt.minute()); currenthour = (dt.hour()); //Convert it to a String dt.addToString(dateTimeStr); return dateTimeStr; } uint32_t getNow() { currentepochtime = rtc.now().getEpoch(); return currentepochtime; } void greenred4flash() //fast blinks the LEDs 4 times { for (int i=1; i <= 4; i++){ digitalWrite(8, HIGH); digitalWrite(9, LOW); delay(50); digitalWrite(8, LOW); digitalWrite(9, HIGH); delay(50); } digitalWrite(9, LOW); } void setupLogFile() { //Initialise the SD card if (!SD.begin(SD_SS_PIN)) { Serial.println("Error: SD card failed to initialise or is missing."); //Hang // while (true); } //Check if the file already exists bool oldFile = SD.exists(FILE_NAME); //Open the file in write mode File logFile = SD.open(FILE_NAME, FILE_WRITE); //Add header information if the file did not already exist if (!oldFile) { logFile.println(LOGGERNAME); logFile.println(DATA_HEADER); } //Close the file to save it logFile.close(); } void logData(String rec) { //Re-open the file File logFile = SD.open(FILE_NAME, FILE_WRITE); //Write the CSV data logFile.println(rec); //Close the file to save it logFile.close(); } String createDataRecord() { //Create a String type data record in csv format String data = getDateTime(); data += ",0,"; //adds UTC-timezone offset if your RTC is set to something other than UTC rtc.convertTemperature(); //convert current temperature into registers boardtemp = rtc.getTemperature(); //Read temperature sensor value batterysenseValue = analogRead(batteryPin); batteryvoltage = (3.3/1023.) * 4.7 * batterysenseValue; data += currentepochtime; data += ","; addFloatToString(data, boardtemp, 3, 1); //float data += ","; addFloatToString(data, batteryvoltage, 4, 2); data += ","; data += daily_tips; //Serial.print("Data Record: "); //if you want to print to the serial port //Serial.println(data); return data; } static void addFloatToString(String & str, float val, char width, unsigned char precision) { char buffer[10]; dtostrf(val, width, precision, buffer); str += buffer; } void assembleURL() { targetURL = ""; targetURL = "http://somewebsite.com/capturescript.php?"; //put a php script on a server with mySQL database to capture the data targetURL += "LoggerID=SL053&Loggertime="; targetURL += currentepochtime; targetURL += "&BoardTemp="; addFloatToString(targetURL, boardtemp, 3, 1); //float targetURL += "&Battery="; addFloatToString(targetURL, batteryvoltage, 4, 2); //float targetURL += "&RainTips="; targetURL += daily_tips; targetURL += "&Summary="; targetURL += midnightflag; } void sendviaXbee() { Serial1.println(targetURL); } void sleepXbee() { delay (1000); pinMode (XBEE_SleepPin,OUTPUT); // put XBee to sleep digitalWrite(XBEE_SleepPin,HIGH); } void wakeXbee() { pinMode(XBEE_SleepPin,OUTPUT); // Set the "wake-up pin" to output digitalWrite(XBEE_SleepPin,LOW); // wake-up XBee delay(500); //make sure that XBee is ready } void pin10interrupt() { TipFlag = 1; //a tip was detected, set the tip flag } |