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Reply To: Manual upload of CSV files on MonitorMyWatershed

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Manual upload of CSV files on MonitorMyWatershed Reply To: Manual upload of CSV files on MonitorMyWatershed


    I’ve attached two of my files from earlier today.  The file with 08-20 is the raw data file created yesterday right from the Mayfly, and the 08-21 is the upload file created today as I described earlier.  I have been unable to upload the 08-21 file as of now.  I tried three times earlier this morning and twice this afternoon.  The third file, 08-19_20 is the one I uploaded successfully yesterday, but I went back and formatted the date/time column manually when I added the data for the second day.  It almost seems like the system is looking for a change flag somewhere once an upload fails because if I go in and do redo something, like reformat the date/time just like it was, it will upload.

    My C programming skills back in April when I loaded the program were not such that I was capable of modifying the output file.  I was thrilled when I got it to do what is is.  I’ve advanced some since and could maybe get in there and do it.  The Excel template and macros seemed like the way to go while I figured out the radios and automatic upload.  I’ve got the xbee’s working now and am working through the ethernet and web connection, I haven’t got to the upload file formatting part yet…