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Reply To: MMW Data Outage?

Home Forums Monitor My Watershed MMW Data Outage? Reply To: MMW Data Outage?


    Hey good to hear.

    I haven’t been able to do a lot of testing, and I was out yesterday but I enabled a laptop computer to monitor one beta system overnight that is using verizon starting at 9pm PST. (though I forgot to add the power cord to the laptop and it turned off after 2hrs !!   ).    Its sampling at 15minutes, taking 8 readings, and pushing the 8 updates every 2hours, at an offset of 7 minutes. That is at 23:07, 01:07, 03:07.   The POST timeout is tighter at 5 seconds, if it doesn’t get a response it records it as a 504. I’ve created a POSTLOG.TXT on the uSD that records all post attempts. If it doesn’t get a 201 it queues the readings and then retrys on the next sucess 201.

    Looking at the POSTLOG.txt this morning, it has mostly got 504’s, with a few 201s.

    The Debug Log that I got from a POST of 8 readings at PST 23:07pm (2020-08-07T07:07:00-08:00 ) were all 504

    Downloading from MMW the .csv file this morning, and looking at the records, a good number 24 readings didn’t make it to the database, but those that did, all made it.

    I’ll set up some more testing later today.

