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Reply To: MMW Data Outage?

Home Forums Monitor My Watershed MMW Data Outage? Reply To: MMW Data Outage?

Shannon Hicks

    The station at Punches Run has been back online for several hours now. It has a 4G board on it. The cellular hardware is either 4G only or 2G only. The connectivity issues are occurring somewhere in Hologram’s system behind the scenes and I don’t know any of the details, other than all of our 2G stations are still offline, and some of our 4G stations were offline yesterday, but most (if not all) are back online, some were not affected at all. There have been several outage problems like this in the past 5 years that we’ve been deploying cellular-equipped loggers, and we usually just have to be patient and wait for the carriers and service providers to fix their issues. That’s why the Mayfly loggers have redundant on-board memory cards for storing sensor data. So no data has been lost, and owners will just have to visit their stations to retrieve the memory cards to fill in the data gaps from the periods of missing cellular data.