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Reply To: Response code 504 from data.envirodiy.org

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Response code 504 from data.envirodiy.org Reply To: Response code 504 from data.envirodiy.org

Matt Barney

    Hi again.

    I ran another test overnight, again using a 2 minute sampling interval, with no code changes, but I removed the build flags for modem debugging from the platformio.ini. Here are the results:

    • 427 total samples taken
    • 52 sample events received a Response Code 504.
    • 246 sample events received a Response Code 201.
    • 155 of the samples are absent from the MMW database.

    The new wrinkle here is that sometimes the Mayfly apparently didn’t attempt to send to MMW; this happened 129 times. In the log file, one of these occurrences looks like this:

    … whereas a “normal” interval across consecutive samples, where the Mayfly does attempt to send, looks like this:

    Any idea why the Mayfly didn’t send data at these times?

    I’ll attach the log file and a time-series chart of when data was sent/not sent.



    (Edit Apr6: Renaming my logfile so that it will successfully upload here.)