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Reply To: Response code 504 from data.envirodiy.org

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Response code 504 from data.envirodiy.org Reply To: Response code 504 from data.envirodiy.org


    I’m seeing similar. Out of 15posts at two miuntes apart. the first 6 where 201, and then the rest mixed 504 and 201.
    The site is https://monitormywatershed.org/sites/TU-RC-Test03a/
    The post structure looks good:

    Sending data to [ 0 ] data.envirodiy.org
    POST /api/data-stream/ HTTP/1.1
    Host: data.envirodiy.org
    TOKEN: f4c00cb8-91bd-4ba3-8229-10f68e99605e
    Content-Length: 410
    Content-Type: application/json


    — Response Code —

    ————- when put through a JSON PrettyPrint, it looks good
    “sampling_feature”: “275b362b-86ab-4079-bce0-2ae5c4e96350”,
    “timestamp”: “2020-04-01T14:20:02-08:00”,
    “6288baaa-d291-4a82-a0b6-7b28b6faa0df”: 13,
    “6e433b80-fa12-41c1-952c-bda827c1b2fb”: 3.964,
    “1f2b4122-75f1-4e5b-b6df-16ec6f4aa30e”: 0.1935,
    “5ba31d7b-9ce7-4621-b97b-0c72f9ab414e”: 18.4,
    “1cc06ba7-b0ec-4df5-8986-c529fae578a2”: 16.81,
    “33faa79b-04fd-4277-ab0a-24f6dbaaa931”: 0.0009,
    “3705167b-9cb6-49bd-bfee-dc49c2a99a97”: 134