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2020-03-27 at 11:03 PM
If you need the SD library in your program, you need to include it in your platformio.ini file in the lib_dep section. Add RTCTimer and Sodaq_DS3231 there while you’re at it since it looks like you use them.
Other answers:
- ModularSensors uses I2C, not Serial, for Atlas sensors. Please read the documentation I linked earlier. It has links to further Atlas documentation on how to set up I2C.
- A raw RTD like you’re using isn’t directly supported. I would recommend attaching the RTD to the auxiliary ADC (TI ADS1115 – pins AA0-AA3 on the Mayfly) which is higher resolution anyway, and then using that: https://github.com/EnviroDIY/ModularSensors/wiki/TI-ADS1115-Voltage
- To calculate temperature and to correct conductivity for temperature you should use a calculated variable in ModularSensors. I’m embarrassed that I actually don’t have documentation on that, just examples.
- There’s a very generic example of a calculated variable in the menu a la carte example: https://github.com/EnviroDIY/ModularSensors/blob/f607ff9ac5b22c87962802e5e5b348b3612d75a4/examples/menu_a_la_carte/menu_a_la_carte.ino#L1169.
- There are several calculated variables in the barometric pressure correction examples: https://github.com/EnviroDIY/ModularSensors/blob/f607ff9ac5b22c87962802e5e5b348b3612d75a4/examples/baro_rho_correction/baro_rho_correction.ino#L175
- Yes, the ModularSensors library should take care of all of the configuration for the GPRSBee
- Yes. The values should be visible immediately, the plots may take up to an hour to update.