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Reply To: Debug flags for modem comms

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Debug flags for modem comms Reply To: Debug flags for modem comms

Matt Barney

    Hi Sara,

    I want to update you on the results of our latest testing. I noticed that there was a new release of EnviroDIY/TinyGSM, so I installed that and re-tested. Transparent mode still failed (see transparent.txt), but Bypass works. I tried flipping back and forth several times, and Transparent never worked; Bypass always did. Next, I decided to uninstall ModularSensors and install the modemLast branch. However, I got a permissions error during build as PlatformIO was trying to install dependencies (see permissions.txt). I tried creating a brand new project in a newly created folder on the C drive and repeated the test, with the same permissions error. I re-tried the build, and then got build errors in SdFat_ID322\FatLib (see sdfat.txt). I’ve been able to return to the main branch of ModularSensors and rebuild, and the modem works (again, only in Bypass). What would you suggest? Should we go ahead and deploy this Mayfly with the modem in Bypass mode?

    There is one error I get when running in Bypass:

    (See Bypass.txt for context.) Is this expected?

    What a bummer to hear about all the nonfunctional XBee3’s. We’ll be very interested to hear of new developments on that front, and happy to assist in any way we can.
