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Reply To: Connecting XBee3 LTE to the internet

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Connecting XBee3 LTE to the internet Reply To: Connecting XBee3 LTE to the internet

Sara Damiano

    Yay! That’s more like it.

    There are several posts and GitHub issues comparing the two but here’s a quick summary:

    + connects to the network faster
    + near 100% success in sending data if a network connection is made
    – every transmission uses very slightly more data (in uncontrollable overhead – unsure why)
    – Digi strongly discourages use of bypass
    – rarely freezes logger to the point of a watch dog reset (cause unknown)

    + recommended by Digi
    + uses very slightly less data
    – takes longer to connect
    – occasional empty sessions where the internet connection is made but data isn’t successfully transferred (suspect a problem within the Digi firmware in packeting the data)