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Reply To: Can't read/store values from Yosemitech using WingShield

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Can't read/store values from Yosemitech using WingShield Reply To: Can't read/store values from Yosemitech using WingShield


    Thanks for the reply,

    Yes, I am working with Troy :). We have had some success with the decagon CTD, including using a wifibee and portable wifi hotspot to log data to monitormywatershed.org. It would be nice to have turbidity measurements as well, which is one reason we are interested in the Y4000 device.

    In our y4000-mayfly setup, I have tried removing the wifibee modem, along with the associated code. I have also tried running with and without other sensors. We are currently testing using an external 12V power supply to power the y4000 (left on constantly for testing purposes). Regardless of the setup, the result is the same – the mayfly can’t seem to communicate with the sensor.

    The mayfly reboots right after attempting to activate the brush. This makes a brownout seem like a likely problem, however connecting to an external 12V supply doesn’t seem to help. I’m wondering if there might be some sort of problem with the serial connection using Altsoftserial.

    I’m going to try a few more tests and report back – are there any particularly useful debugging flags that could shed some light on the problem?

    Thanks for your help,
