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Reply To: best practices enabling debugging modular sensors using platformIO

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger best practices enabling debugging modular sensors using platformIO Reply To: best practices enabling debugging modular sensors using platformIO


    I have been doing some testing to better understand what is happening. I first tried to build and compile the same example in my deployments folder, that I made during the Learn EnviroDIY Programming tutorial (which was great!). In that project folder I have much less errors. Apparently, I didn’t made a new project folder with the correct settings in the project wizard (through home, new project). After starting a new project folder with correct settings I am able to successfully build an compile the example using the MS_SODAQ2GBEER6_DEBUG build flag. I am a novice in PlatformIO, I just made a mistake somewhere in the process of making a new project folder. Still, if I add DMS_THINGSPEAKPUBLISHER_DEBUG build flag, the build error described above still exist (because of a redeclaration of ‘uint32_t start’).

    below you find the ini file.