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Reply To: LSM303 Accelerometer + Compass library integration into ModularSensors

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger LSM303 Accelerometer + Compass library integration into ModularSensors Reply To: LSM303 Accelerometer + Compass library integration into ModularSensors

Greg Cutrell

    On the topic of averaging. It seems the averaging parameter takes a number of consecutive measurements. I thought the measurement_time variable might offset each consecutive measurements but it doesn’t seem to work that way, just the initial measurement. Is this correct? I have been playing around in the SDI12Sensors.cpp file and was sure if I might have had effected this.

    I was thinking this might be an easy way to average higher frequency logging to a longer average. For example take a measurement every minute but we really want to save/send out every 10 minutes. Is there a way already in-place to complete a task like this?