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Reply To: Newbie Mayfly Setup for RS485 sensor to internet

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Newbie Mayfly Setup for RS485 sensor to internet Reply To: Newbie Mayfly Setup for RS485 sensor to internet


    Thankyou @fisherba thankyou!!!. I got the Xbee SB6 wifi communicating to data.envirodiy.org

    I’ve cloned locally github.com/EnviroDIY/ModularSensors
    then set to develop
    and copied

    Starting up platformIO I opened the folder Arduino\env02\nanolevel
    in platformio.ini I set
    ;src_dir = logging_to_EnviroDIY
    src_dir = .


    lib_deps =


    For my logging_to_EnviroDIY.ino
    I merged in specific updates for only Keller Nano
    I have the XBEE cmd stream showing with new StreamDebugger

    The commit – https://github.com/EnviroDIY/ModularSensors/commit/8f1d8b58c2b9813484feed77a6074f215ecbc3e3 seems to be there already, but I’ll do a manual compare.
    I use meldmerge.org – fantastic compare and merge tool.
    Thankyou @fisherba & @srgdamiano for the pointers – there are a lot of changes in ‘develop’ – I can’t imagine how to track them.
    Amazing work @srgdamiano for bringing it all together
    I’ll let my mayfly+xbee run on my desk and see what happens.