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Reply To: Connecting to the Internet

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Connecting to the Internet Reply To: Connecting to the Internet

Shannon Hicks

    Where did you get that code example? It looks like a combination of some older code I used to use plus some newer stuff, but there are several mismatches and missing things so it won’t work properly as written. To transmit on an Xbee module, you should use Serial1. Serial0 is the port you should use for printing to the serial monitor. Your example above has all the status stuff happening on Serial1, so that should be changed to just Serial and then you can transmit the Xbee string payload on Serial1, since that’s the default configuration of the solder jumpers on the back of the Mayfly.

    Once you have taken whatever sensor measurement you want, you can build a data record string append to the date/time/battery/boardtemp string and then write it to the memory card, and then also use those same variables to build the URL string in a separate function. Then just send that URL string to the Xbee serial port (assuming you’ve turned on the Bee module in advance, I use the pin-sleep configuration so I’m able to toggle the Beee module on and off).

    Also, in your code above, the onboard battery voltage measurement part in the createDataRecord has the ratio as 1.47, which is only correct for Mayfly boards v0.3 and 0.4. For boards v0.5 and above, the ratio is 4.7. Which version of Mayfly do you have?